People are capable of all kinds of good thinking, but some just don't see what's right in front of their noses.

Launch Windows Apps from the Desktop

If you spend most of your time on the Windows 8.1 Desktop, accessing an app is not straightforward. You have to switch back to the Start or Search screen, then find and launch it manually. Create a shortcut, though and, you could launch any of the regular Windows 8.1 from the Taskbar. To try this …Continue reading

Troubleshoot Remote Computers with Soluto

The experience to troubleshoot a remote PC problem can be frustrating.  Troubleshoot remote computers Sign up Head to and create an account. After logging in, we are taken through a get-started wizard. We can safely skip all the steps in the wizard and go straight to the Soluto Dashboard. Add Devices We can now …Continue reading

Good Friday and Easter 2014

The Easter holidays are the perfect time to escape for a short break, whether we choose to take a long weekend break beginning on the Good Friday or arrive midweek break on coming Tuesday/Wednesday. Unfortunately, Good Friday and Easter are not public holidays in Peninsular Malaysia. In local churches, Eggs will be decorated, distributed and …Continue reading

The trust relationship between this workstation and primary domain failed

The trust relationship between this workstation and primary domain failed This error message is pretty common if you are running your Windows Servers on Virtualized Environment. There are too many articles on the internet referring to the Microsoft Hyper-V, so I guess I need to write it here for VMware. The error on my environment …Continue reading

Bring back the Start Menu

Install Classic Start Browse to and download the latest version of Classic Shell, which contains Classic Start. We can resurrect the desktop start menu in Windows 8 and Windows 2012.

Rename SQL Report Server

  In order to rename computer that runs a SQL 2012 report server, do the following: Open RSReportServer.config in a text editor and modify the UrlRoot setting to reflect the new server name. The UrlRoot setting is used by delivery extensions to compose the URL used to access items stored on the report server. Changing …Continue reading

How to Clear the Terminal History on Linux / Mac OS X

It’s easy. Just type this command: history -c All that history is stored in the ~/.bash_history file — that tilde and slash represent our user folder, so it’s really something like /home/username/.bash_history and it contains all of the commands we’ve typed at the terminal. We could just edit that file to remove the line that …Continue reading

Scripting Deployment and Administrative Tasks

Reporting Services comes with a command line utility, rs.exe, that allows us to administer Report Server via scripts that run Web Service operations.  These scripts must be written in VB.NET and a suggested extension for them is rss (Reporting Services script file). For more information, see We can use rs.exe to publish the …Continue reading

Ubuntu 14.04 First Beta is now Available for Download

The first beta of the regular Unity UI version of Ubuntu will not be available until March 27th (during the second 14.04 beta stage). The versions available for download in this round of releases are: GNOME, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Edubuntu, Kylin, Ubuntu Studio, and Ubuntu Cloud Image. Hurry on over to grab a copy of …Continue reading

InfraDog – Server Admin-VMware+Active Dir

This utility is used to monitor and access our IT infrastructure anywhere, any time simply by touch on your mobile phone – Windows,VMware ESXi (vCenter and vMotion),Active Directory,Network Device – IPMI hardware control for HP iLO,IBM RSA,Dell DRAC, Fujitsu ServerView – Track physical server asset by Barcode – Access server hardware warranty (HP, Dell, IBM, …Continue reading

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